Portrait Photography with a 85mm Lens - Stephanie Ip Photography | Journal

Portrait Photography with a 85mm Lens

When I purchased the Sony A7C, I was planning to use it to take product shots and tutorial videos for my business brand at Sutai Bu, so the lens that I decided on was the 20mm f/1.8 for its wide-angle ability.

Stephanie Ip Photography
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When it comes to digital cameras, there are so many options to choose from, especially today (2021, when this post is written.) 

7 Major types of cameras in 2021

  1. Compact cameras
  2. DSLR cameras
  3. Mirrorless cameras
  4. Action cameras
  5. 360 cameras
  6. Medium format cameras
  7. Traditional film cameras


In the early stages of my photography journey, I used several types of cameras listed above. To give you more context, I started back in the 90’s, so there were fewer varieties of cameras than today. As far as I can remember, the DSLRs were heavy, and the compacts were expensive. My first camera was a gift from my uncle – a color film camera by… I actually don’t remember the brand anymore, but it looked something like this…

I may still have it somewhere in my parents’ garage, I don’t know, it has been such a long time! Those were memorable camera times for me. Later on, as digital cameras became more popular, my dad had gotten me this relatively cool “selfie” camera by Nikon – Coolpix 2500. Here’s a review article on this particular vintage camera by Digital Photography Review.

Oh boy! That tiny color LCD monitor was a very cool thing to have back then. Nowadays, we crave bigger screens with touch controls. I am so glad technology has allowed cameras to become lighter, more powerful, and affordable today. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing this post today, reflecting on my photography journey.


2010 was the year I got my hands on a somewhat leveled up DSLR camera with a zoom lens. The experience with a DSLR felt a lot more professional, but at the same time, the weight of the lens often was the reason why I preferred compact cameras. So I would only bring out the DSLR if I was going on a trip or shooting something special.


Fast forward to 2021, where I have had my collective experiences with different kinds of DSLR and compact cameras. Throughout my photography journey, my dad has been the biggest sponsor for this hobby of mine. He was the one who actually got me into capturing joyful moments in still and video format. This year, I have decided to put my photography skills to good use, sharing my passion for framing beautiful memories others can also enjoy. I made a relatively huge purchase on a full-frame mirorrless camera along with a 85mm lens.

Why 85mm lens for portraits?

When I purchased the Sony A7C, I was planning to use it to take product shots and tutorial videos for my business brand at Sutai Bu, so the lens that I decided on was the 20mm f/1.8 for its wide-angle ability. Then I started taking close-up pictures with it and noticed the wide-angle distortion. I came from a zoom lens before upgrading to full-frame + prime lens, so my understanding of lenses is rather low. As I did more research and testing on the different types of lenses, I landed on the two popular portrait lens options – 50mm and 85mm. Here are a couple of 50mm shots vs. 85mm dog photography shots I have taken with the Sony A7C. The left is with the Sony FE 50mm f/1.8, and the right is with the Sony FE 85mm f/1.8. The pictures were not taken with direct side-by-side comparison in mind; I primarily wanted to see how it would be like to shoot with 50mm vs 85mm.

While I enjoyed shooting with the 50mm, I also noticed I had to get relatively closer to the subject. With the 85mm, I can stay away from the subject and still be able to capture the kind of close-ups I was looking for. In this example, dogs don’t like it when we humans get too close to them, so keeping my distance while it is in its cutest pose allowed me to capture what I wanted while it remained calm.

You may wonder why didn’t I just go for a zoom lens. Well, as mentioned earlier, I started with and learned how to do photography with a zoom lens, which in my opinion is a lot more flexible and convenient when it comes to capturing various focal lengths. But then I realized how I am not really learning photography on a deeper level, so this time around, limiting myself to shoot with a prime lens is kind of my way to train myself to move around more for the desired shot I want to frame.

A photographer should be moving around the subject instead of the subject moving for the photographer.

Ultimately, I went with the 85mm. This is also the lens that gave me more confidence in shooting portraits with beautiful bokeh — the 50mm also allows this, but it’s comparatively less captivating, in my opinion. Photography is a form of art, so it’s subjective depending on who you talk to. Who knows, maybe one day I will pick up the 50mm as well. But for now, I am sticking with the 85mm and plan on shooting portraits with it for the foreseeable future.

The Results Shooting with a 85mm Lens

Since I bought the 85mm f/1.8, I’ve never looked back! I am very pleased with my new camera setup. Here are a few of my favorites taken at a backyard in sunny Los Angeles, California, around 3pm in December.

I especially loved how these turned out, not just because of the lens I used, but seeing this innocent little guy, just having a blast with the fountain and fascinated by the dripping water and sound. Though, the parents were a bit concerned with him playing with the fountain water, worrying that he may catch a cold! I am so happy to have the pleasure of capturing these happy moments of him. These are precious moments to look back at as he continues to grow!

Special Offer to Los Angeles Readers

Thank you for reading this post this far! I hope you enjoyed reading about why I decided to shoot portraits with a 85mm lens, and the results. I’d like to end my post with a special offer, especially for those who actually read it ’til the end! Angelenos, if you are reading this, you are in for a treat! As a newbie in the industry, I am developing a portfolio and would love to shoot as many sessions as I possibly can! I am giving out a 20% off deal to the neighborhoods I service in Los Angeles. If you would like me to capture moments of your and/or your family, check out my Gallery! I would love to capture your story. Visit this page to learn more about this special offer!

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